What to expect in your Reiki Natural Treatment Therapy
When I begin the treatment, you will be fully clothed and the choice is yours whether you lie on the bed or sit in a chair. As the reiki practitioner, I will then place my hands on or above the body on the head, shoulders, arms, chest, abdomen, legs, and feet.
This allows the positive energy to pass through myself as the practitioner to you, to shift or remove any negative stagnation or congestion of unwanted energy, so you can start your journey to live more freely and heal past shock or trauma (flight or fight sydrome) in a comfortable and non intrusive space created for you!
How many Reiki sessions are needed?
It's generally best to receive three to five Reiki treatments one to two weeks apart. Once you see yourself improving move to one month or six weeks apart. Receiving regular Reiki treatments is excellent self care and helps you to maintain holistic body balance.